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Rollator Walker Accessories - Ways To Spice Up Your Rolling Walker For Next To Nothing

By Michelle Phillips

Apart from rolling walkers there are the standard walkers without wheels, built with telescoping aluminum supports, they are ideal for people whose injuries are not permanent. The standard walker is inexpensive and considered to be a 'throw-away' as once the injured are rehabilitated, they no longer need the walker. The rollator walker is designed for long term use by many permanently disabled people, and also for people whose balance is challenged by various reason including aging.

Among the many rolling strollers available, the rollator is probably the one most well known. It has been in existence for over half a century. The first rollatiors was a basic standard stroller with wheels attached to it. Because of the wheels attached to it the person using it does not need to lift and drop the stroller to move forward, the wheels makes the movement much smoother.

Height Size- There are minimum and maximum height ranges for roller handles. Most manufactures recommend the handle height be adjusted to wrist height level while standing upright. Some rollers are adjusted at the handle bars while other are adjusted at the leg extensions by pressing a snap button. Floor to Seat Height- Ensure your feet are flat on the floor while seated. This will provide more stability during the sitting and standing up phase.

While you were a toddler, as mentioned, you probably have used strollers that served as guides as you learn and condition your legs and feet for the basic activity called walking. During old age or several medical and special conditions, you may be left as helpless as a toddler because you are not able to move your legs to facilitate instant and effective mobility.

Seat Styles- Some seats are plastic while others are cushioned. The seats are manufactured in a variety of sizes. Some are wide with narrow depth, and others are squared. Wheel Size- Determine the different terrain usage. Larger wheels provide more stability. Most rollers are sold with 6 inches or 8-inch wheels.

First off rolling strollers are also known as rollers. These strollers in the past were just what the name implies, strollers with wheels but then for want of a name to call these the word roller was coined but fast forward to today.

The standard 4 legged strollers have become 4 wheel strollers that are loaded with the following features: hand brakes, seats, accessories such as baskets, horns and lights and can be folded to make them easy to store or bring with you.

Online medical supply stores offer a variety of rollators and patients lift manufactured by different brands. You can search the websites can get a better idea of what they have on offer. Purchasing from an online store will also save you a lot of travelling time and hassles, and you can always sit with the patient and take his or her opinion as well.

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