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Steps On How To Defend The Christian Faith

By Henry Collins

One of the characteristics of Christianity is the need to love. Many people don't understand why Jesus should command his followers to love anyone created by God, whether they are their friends or not. This is in contrast to many other beliefs which defend loving friends and despising enemies. This commandment alone makes it clear that in looking for how to defend the Christian faith, fighting cannot come into play.

To defend the Christian faith means to do anything that can make people believe more in God. It requires one's total efforts and consciousness as one has to live a life that is consistent with what is said. People around are always watching to know if the person is going to falter at any point and if that happens, they think that the Christian faith once professed with zeal is nothing but a joke.

Being faced with temptation is not entirely a disadvantage as it also helps to prove the essence of being a Christian. It could be that someone made himself available to Satan to pull you down and is interested to see how you will react. He will be amazed when you don't fall to the trick and think more of being like you.

Falling into temptation is not uncommon especially when the circumstances are grave. However, this can be prevented by getting closer to The Lord. Some of the ways to do this include reading the Bible always, praying without ceasing and depending totally on God in times of trouble. If what is written in James 4:8a is taken seriously, defending Christianity would be easier.

If you are serious about reading the Bible at all times, you should not skip doing so in the morning. This is what most Christians call the quiet time. It is so called because it is during this period that a Christian tries to hear from God in his quietness when he is not bothered by the happenings around. It is in one's quiet time that the nature of God is revealed and it becomes easier to live the Christian life.

It is man's nature to believe in signs and wonders. This was actually one of the ways in which Jesus caught the attention of many people. The same still happens today as a lot want to see if some things that are considered impossible can be rolled away before they believe. Hence, praying to God ceaselessly can be an avenue to defend the faith as it is through prayers that one can hear Him and also obtain healing and answers to very difficult situations.

You can defend the faith further by preaching. This is actually the primary step to take if you want people to understand your beliefs. This can be done by hospital visitation, going to the prison, attending to students in their hostels and so on.

The aim of doing all these is to bring more people to repentance. If people fail to incline to God, they are in danger of losing their soul to eternal damnation when they die. Christians know this so they try every possible method to make sure that as many as possible within their environment are saved.

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