There are several methods to reduce the cost of his auto insurance. Some seem obvious but are not always used. On the other hand, are more subtle. We will see in this article the various options available to consumers today. First, the mileage that you made is reflected in the price of your car insurance. The less you drive, the less you pay! Most car insurance companies in Quebec worthy of the name offer discounts to customers who drive little and use public transport or cycling, for example for journeys between home and the workplace. In the same vein, it is strongly recommended to avoid, where possible, to use your car for trips that are professional. Indeed, to calculate the amount you will pay for your insurance, the companies note if you use your vehicle for business purposes, in which case, you will face a surcharge. In addition, you can lower your auto insurance premium in a consistent manner (average of fifteen to ten percent) if you choose to increase your deductible from...